Monday, 22 April 2013

I Write to.....

I write to remember things that have happened in my past. As I continue to grow older and older, my memories seem to fade ever so slightly. I dont want to forget these memories, which is why i write them down. When I go back and read them, the mental images instantly appear in my mind. Every detail is exactly the same as when I wrote it down. Good memories bring me joy, and laughs. Remembering all the things I have done in my life is important to me. I never want to forget them. However I know some will fade, which is why I write to remember.


  1. Wow good job! this is a really good piece of writing. It has poetic flow that makes it an enjoyable read. Writing to remember is important because as we do grow older it is always nice to look back and have district images run through our head that remind us of one exact moment in our lives that might have been forgotten.

  2. Harps i really liked what you wrote in this post. I feel like we were sitting beside each other when we did this in class because we had the same idea. Although i like how you write about things that can make you laugh when you look back on them, that seems like a good way to get out of a bad day.
