Wednesday, 10 April 2013

I Am From

I am From

I am from old wooden cigar box,
Classic computer games,
Hard rubber hockey puck,
Slim green Ipod Nano.

I am from Harper-Wallace Christmas,
Two large, outgoing families,
Large varieties of food,
Lots of smiles.

I am from old wooden bed,
Light blue walls,
Colourful stuffed animals,
Raggedy white dresser.

I am from large rollercoasters,
Pink and blue cotton candy,
Refreshing waterparks,
Where dreams come true.

I am from the winter snow,
Perfect packing snow,
Accidental snowball headshots,
Sincerely sorry.

I am from long blonde hair,
Soft skin,
Extremely caring.

I am from catchy guitar,
Southern accents,
Out in the country,
Beers, Girls, Trucks and Tractors.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your forth and fifth stanza. The way you painted the visual image in forth stanza, and is where dream come true, the words are so simple but beautiful and sweet. Stanza five is poetic but also humorous. It perfectly expressed all the fun you had in snow ball fights when you were young. Thank you for sharing.
